Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I fear I'm becoming what I despise

When I returned to higher ed I made a solemn and determined vow to not be a poor student. As graduation comes closer to reality I have lost a good portion of my optimism. I'm discouraged and feel like I can't compete with the talent and technical skill level of most of my classmates. I have missed classes and assignment deadlines due to some unrealistic notion of trying to produce high quality work. I get tunnel vision and bogged down in projects despite planning, scheduling, and untold hours of effort. I become frustrated and can't let go of things at the appropriate time. Today I worked on two video pieces I already turned in because they were less than adequate upon submission. I'm ashamed of myself. I never, ever, missed deadlines at my paid jobs. Oh, well - the good news is the end of the semester is near.

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