Thursday, August 14, 2008

Blah, Blah, Blog mania

I swear I am not egotistical or afflicted with multiple personality disorder. I am forced, by college class requirements, to create more blogs geared to specific topics. This blog will now be my general chatty and newsy blog about life events and random thoughts and interests. In the next couple of days I will post links to my new thesis, internship, and Practice of Design blogs.

New and final semester of school

So I don't have to rehash, here is an update on the events of this week

On a happier note, some artistic inspiration. (Like you'd never guess I'd like this style of work.) Andy Gilmore, More Gilmore, & yet some more.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

day full of creatures

These guys startled me this morning as I was about to toss a dog waste bag into a dumpster. They were definitely scared. They were shivering and making a soft but high pitched whining noise. After our morning outing my dog had a walk in appointment at the vet and we waited about 2 hours as there was a emergency which required the attention of the staff. I passed the time by visiting with numerous canines. I was surprised how many small pups were there - 3 chihuahuas, a yorkie, a king charles spaniel, and a beautiful grayblue great dane girl. Post emergency, a human mom was presented with a brand new maltipoo who was delivered by c-section. See the newborn

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


A month flew by without me blogging. Thanks to my distant friend Ape for suggesting I update. I can't believe school starts next week. I can't account for how I have spent my days. I have been taking many photos, keeping up with bookkeeping, and I have a couple of video projects in process. I made a card for the Steve's and Rich's race team to hand out to fans. I hope to update their blog soon.